Thursday, January 28, 2010

Verily At Last

There it is. I didn't bother making a readme, so the instructions for running and playing are as follows:
  • Download from the FileFront link above.
  • Unzip it somewhere.
  • Run the Verily.exe to start the game.
  • Use the arrow keys to move around.
  • The Health symbol in the bottom right hand corner of the screen represents your hitpoints.
  • The Shield symbol, also in the lower right corner, is how much damage you do.
  • The Gold Coin symbol in the lower left corner is your money.
  • On the first map there is a Health and Shield symbol on the left wall of the level. These are shops. To use them just walk into it. If you have enough money your gold will automatically be deducted and whatever you are purchasing will be added.
  • Walk through levels by walking to the top or bottom of the screens.

There. I think that about covers it. The game is anything but complicated, but just in case something is puzzling you, there you have it.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Verily Tomorrow

I have finished adding a HUD to the game, which incidentally turned out to be significantly more of a hard time than I had planned on.


The HUD is composed of those icons in the corners that represent health, power, and gold. All that remains is for me to upload the beast to FileFront, which I will do tomorrow along with a simple explanation as to how to play.

Stay classy.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

New Game Update: Verily

No really, the game is called Verily. Verily is a totally bare bones Ultima IV-ish rpg I made as a term project last semester. To make it I used SDL (to hell with Allegro), and it turned out okay.

Verily features:

  • Easy map editing.
  • Shops for buying upgrades.
  • Monsters to fight.
  • A boss monster.
  • A goal to grab.
  • Player animations.

... And that is about it. Verily doesn't feature:

  • Inventory.

  • Text of any kind - No story.

  • Any sort of HUD.

  • Sounds.

  • AI.

Now, most of these I don't care about. The project wasn't for a game dev class, and what I did finish was more than enough to get me my grade. That said, before I release this beast to the eager grubby mits of the general public (all none of you), I want to add a little something to make this a might-bit more playable. Namely, I want to get a functioning HUD in there. I estimate this will take me a week or so, so stay tuned.