- Items in black indicate something that is already in the game and working acceptably.
- Items in green indicate something that I've already started working on and is definitely going to be in the game at release.
- Items in yellow indicate something that I haven't started working on but will hopefully be in the release.
- Items in red indicate something that I would love to be in the game, but probably won't make it.
Here we go.
- An intro map, with a tutorial for getting around. Characters get introduced, and the story started off.
- The level where shat first starts to go down.
- A middle level where the main button-hunt gameplay most comes into effect.
- A finale level.
- Custom cartoony textures for everything.
- A main type of generic bad guy with an SMG.
- A pistol, smg, and shotty for the player.
- Another type of baddy with a shotgun.
- A pistol baddy.
- A boss.
- An AI buddy.
- Some friendly AI scientists.
- AI that is generally enhanced for getting around and not getting stuck on the geometry.
- A "dynamic" spawn system for pumping in enemies at least somewhat intelligently.
- Buddy AI.
- Some non-threatening scientist AI.
- Some sort of system for allowing scripted dialogue/sequences.
- My own sounds for the weapons.
- Sounds for pain, death, jumping, etc... For the player, the baddy, and the AI buddy.
- Some scripted Left-4-Dead-esq dialogue.
- Come up with a name for this thing.
What you will need to play the mod: You will need the two .PAK files from the original Quake game. If you don't have Quake you are out of luck. You can always buy the game, I think it is $10 on Steam or you can get it brand new and in a box from Amazon.com for less than $10. It is a classic as hell oldschool shooter and you owe it to yourself to own the thing anyways. I'll put all the relevant information on how to install the mod in a README file when I release the game.
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