Thursday, June 17, 2010

Quicky Update!

Just a little update on my progress so far. Some shots of my patented fake cell-shading technique.
My Pistol

I'm really just trying to get all the content nailed down at this point. Why? Because I suck at doing content (which is made obvious from the above screenshots), and I want to get that crap out of the way first so that I don't have to worry about it. The biggest monster I am going to have to tackle is when I try to get my, well, monsters into the game. Quake's animation system is archaic with a capital thissucks. It also doesn't help that Blender 3D is kicking me in the shins every step of the way.

Next thing to tackle: Getting baddies into the game.
Difficulty level: Oh crap!
In over my headedness: Drowning.

Stay tuned!

Thanks to the invaluable Tara for getting me to get off my ass and make this update.

EDIT: It might be hard to tell in the screens, but they weapons are indeed toon shaded with an outline around them. I made the screens quicky-like in the intro level of Quake, which is really dark and that unfortunately makes it hard to see the toonyness of the guns. Rest assured, my levels will be much more simply colored and brightly lit (and assily made).

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