Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The wheels in my head have been turning...

A dangerous pastime, I know.

First of all, go play this: Digital: A Love Story from some amateur writer Christine Love. I've never heard of her or her stuff, but I saw Digital up on Fileplanet and I decided to give it a whirl.

Game changing.

Basically, D:ALS is just a short story. The gameplay consists of you putting together little clues in order to further progress the story. It is simple. It is kinda fun. But most importantly, it is damn effective at doing what it is trying to do.

As I finished my play through of the game it suddenly dawned on me: I want to make a game like this! Not that I want to make a game about posting to a BBS on an Amiga, but I want to make a game that is simple, fairly easy to knock together, at least kind of fun, and tells a story.

I haven't had much progress with my Gladiator remake, because I just can't muster the will power required to get my ass to the grindstone and make the thing. Now, my Gladiator game design is, I think, pretty unique. And it should be pretty fun. But it is going to be HELL putting the whole thing together. So, since I'm in the middle of a busy ass semester anyway, and since I'm still coming off of Verily, I think I'm going to go the D:ALS way and make something easy and fun.

I'm sick of making prototypes. This time I'm going to make a game.

A sappy, romantic comedy game.

Blame Ms. L.